• FederPetroli Italia a reference point.
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    Roma, 11-01-2016

    Marsiglia, good Oil under 30 dollars for Barrel, we wait for rebound. North Stream 2 pipeline, opportunity not to be missed

    <<With the Oil price on the threshold of 30 dollars for barrel we are on wonderfully industrial and speculative wave >> these statements of the FederPetroli Italia President – Michele Marsiglia on succession of reduced price of crude oils (BRENT and WTI) on international markets.
    Marsiglia continues <<The oil price should go down even a few dollars to get to the optimum level to the lifts. If the oil price remains low until March/April of this year to values between 26 and 35 dollars for barrel, will be for many a good 2016. Certainly who had not assessed well the possible situation of volatility that would have occurred, will pay the consequences but who invests now, certainly will have a return for the next years.
    What the market does not understand is that the oil price down is a kind of ‘cleaning’ on market shares of the oil flows, certainly the situation for Italy is not easy, some oil companies have invested years ago without any optical monitoring of the international situation, in fact we are already seeing at the disastrous plans layoffs and disinvestment >>.
    The FederPetroli Italia President also talks about the possible involvement of Italy in the project for doubling of NORTH STREAM pipeline <<We welcome the opportunity, occasion for Italy not to be missed. ENI would bring its leadership again in northern Europe. It becomes an important lap for us to be able to accredit more Italian companies, producing work and employment by participating in the construction of the various phases of the project for doubling the pipeline.
    Of course, we need that ENI revises the accreditation procedures in help and benefit the hundreds of Italian oil and energy industries companies ready to appear and accreditation as suppliers. Surely for a proper procedure must be changed some internal company policies, or will only work for foreign companies and for Italy there would be not a convenience>> the statement concludes.

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